Would you like to spend a month or longer volunteering at the Meeting Place, living in our guest house in the heart of Cusco, attend our language institute, and experience a new culture and the historical significance of Cusco? We offer a great package that includes housing, language school, and volunteer opportunities all for one price. If you are interested, please contact Steve Hobby at steve@themeetingplacecusco.com.
We are operating a business to generate income to support local projects and ministries. In order to keep our expenses down and provide a fun and service oriented experience for our clientele, we utilize friendly, service minded people to operate the cafe. We have openings available for various lengths of time. We also may be able to work with certain internship programs where you can work at the cafe as well as take in the local culture by attending an immersion type language study. We can also coordinate other volunteer projects in other areas such as working with underprivileged children, church planting and assistance, as well as many other volunteer options. Again, if you are interested contact Steve at steve@themeetingplacecusco.com.